Friday, 17 August 2007

Tales from the Hearth

Words Directory

It's been a busy week at Hecale. Individual author pages have been given a fresh crisper look and plenty of new faces added to the mix. You'll find poetry by Alan Britt, Doug Draime, Leslie Joseph, Paul Holman, Ananda Osel and the beginnings of a flash fiction fightback courtesy of Mike Hood, Karen Jones and Jamie Lin.

Magazines & E-zines

A couple of additions to mention this week.

NOÖ Journal - We are a free literary and political print/online journal distributed all over and based out of California. Our mission is to encourage mainstream readers to reconnect with literature and diverse critical thinking.

neo lampshadian outpost - i'll take poems, the really experimental stuff you can't quite classify, and, on the rarer occasions, extra-short fiction. your fiction should never exceed 450 words if you're sending it towards me, though. seriously.

SUB-LIT - We want inventive, exciting work. SUB-LIT's editors are frustrated by the lack of diversity in many mainstream literary journals, particularly those that seem afraid to publish writing that is daring in subject matter, form, or tone.

Zafusy - Started in 2004 and edited by Jody Porter, zafusy is an online space for contemporary poetry and visual art. Although based near London, zafusy has published the work of writers and artists from across the world.

Small Press Listings

Rural Messengers Press - Rural Messengers Press is/has been/can be/will dream/might say it, then change its mind about some of, then none of the following: DIY. writing. publishing. reading. pamphlets. leaflets. chapbooks. mail art. mistakes. the infinite number of possibilites that creates. zines. silly string. HAPPY HAPPY

General News

The Image Gallery is now open for submissions - illustration, painting & photography welcome & Hecale's forum (fully licensed & smoker friendly), accessed via the Hearth is operational for posting comments, news, ideas... whatever floats your boat. Pop by and pay a visit.

Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Kenneth Pobo

Words Directory

Biography - My favorite fun thing is my weekly radio show called "Obscure Oldies" on Saturdays at from 6-8pm EST. You can hear a rare Micky Dolenz single from 72 or a Jon & Robin unreleased track. I've been writing poetry since I was 15 and I'm now... well, whatever, 52 I guess. I garden like Bette Davis wiping Lesley Howard's kiss off her face in Of Human Bondage. Today I executed two dozen beetles. I am for capital punishment for beetles, not for people (though I can think of many politicians who test my belief).

D. Garcia-Wahl

Words Directory

Biography - D. Garcia-Wahl is the author of ALL THAT DOES COME OF MADDEN’D DAYS and ASHES OF MID AUTUMN. He is putting the finishing touches on three more novels, another collection of poetry, and a collection of short stories. He was recently interviewed for a new HBO documentary. He divides his time between America and Paris.

Karen Lillis

Words Directory

Biography - Karen Lillis is a writer and artist currently based in Pittsburgh after over a decade in New York City. Her books include the poetic novels “i, scorpion: foul-belly-crawler of the desert” (Words Like Kudzu Press, 2000), “The Second Elizabeth” (Six Gallery Press, late 2007), and the illustrated novella, “Magenta’s Adventures Underground: A Fable for the Police State” (Words Like Kudzu, 2004). She writes regularly for the anti-war and poetry newspaper, “New York Nights,” and she has read her work extensively to audiences in New York, across America, and in Paris.

Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal

Words Directory

Biography - Luis was born in Mexico. He now works and lives in Los Angeles County, CA. Raw Materials, his first poetry book was published by Pygmy Forest Press and Without Peace, his first chapbook was published by Kendra Steiner Editions. Read more of his poetry at Pemmican Press and in his Laura Hird showcase.

Rob Plath

Words Directory

Biography - my name is rob plath and i'm a 37 year-old poet from ny. i've published well over a 200 poems in 70 magazines and journals. i have one book called "ashtrays and bulls" (liquid paper press) and four forthcoming this year: "tapping ashes in the dark" (lummox press) , "sour milk for the soulless" (cat scan press), "my soul is a broken down valise" (pooka press), and "hooked to an iv bag filled with bile" (scintillating publications). i'm currently the poetry editor of jd finch's print magazine "the whirligig" and also editor of henry chalise's webzine called "neo lampshadian outpost." back in '95 -'97 i was tutored by allen ginsberg at brooklyn college and later in 2002, i performed on a spoken word/music cd with david amram.