Tuesday, 1 April 2008

The Hecale Anthology

In September/October 2008, Hecale will be stepping into the world of print with the anthology. We're looking for original verse, prose and artwork to fill its pages. Interested in submitting? Guidelines now up on the site. Deadline for entries Monday June 30th and not a second after midnight.

New Writing on Hecale

More verse and prose, images and imagery added to the Words Directory. Myths, moons, addictions, a frustrated ventriloquist... Two prolific poets with chapbooks out, William Taylor Jr. and Michael D. Grover and a third with one imminent if Lester Allen can stop going to watch the horses. Flash fiction from Michael Frissore, short stories by Deb McGovern, John Darling and Eric D. Lehman, along with collage pieces by Jenny Stewart.

Have a gander if the inclination takes you. Who knows, you might even enjoy it!

Thanks for reading.