Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Autumn Collection

Autumn brings a fresh look to Hecale's Words Directory and a considerable number of additions to the fold. Also quite a few new 'zine listings to explore and one or two visual treats in the gallery.

Words Directory

'the former Miss Holly Straightedge', 'Stillwell Ave.' & 'quicksand jesus' - three poems from Jim Warner, Wilkes-Barre resident and host of Manuscript Radio.

Delaware-based poet and painter Henry Long offers three poems from his latest chapbook 'Goat Love'. Visit his profile to read 'Love balances Chaos', 'Perfume of Resistance' and 'Pudendum Continuum'.

Born Spanish in one of those little hippie regimes in Southern California, Meredith Ebel packed up and moved to the most non-diverse place she could think of: Pennsylvania. Read her poem 'On First Love'.

Hailing from New York City, Hollace M. Metzger is a poet, architect, painter, and photographer educated in the United States, London and Venice. From her recent release, 'Observing the Labyrinth from Heaven', Hecale is pleased to present 'comatose' & 'my world exists'.

Joseph Verroneau runs Scintillating Publications, a chapbook publishing press and has graciously provided us with three of his own poems, 'Dirt', 'Forsaken' and 'The Science at Hand'.

Mike Marcellino began writing just before and during the Vietnam War, where he was an Army war correspondent and you can find two of his recent poems in the directory - 'Casey was at bat when the mercenaries descended' & 'Taipei Subway'.

'Stuffed Token', 'Black and White Static' and 'The Crank Painter' - three works by our poet on the Oregon coast, Ray Succre.

Sailor, fossicker, cancer survivor... she writes poems too. Diane Andrews offers Hecale's hungry audience, 'ROAD TO NOWHERE' and 'FIVE-ACT PLAY'.

Pushcart Prize contender, the poet Spiel, is a tight-wired maverick painting naked word portraits of humankind. And we have a trio for your delectation, 'making pictures without mouths', 'they hold you down ' and 'righteous rock'.

Serena Spinello is 26 years old, lives in New York and claims she will eat anything that is covered in peanut butter. She's also a published poet. Visit her profile to read 'Ruination'.

Adelle Stripe is the editor of the definitive Brutalist weblog Straight From The Fridge, which promotes new and undiscovered writing talent and alongside Tony O'Neill and Ben Myers, makes up one third of The Brutalists. Hecale is delighted to host her poem 'Veronica'.

Sarah Layden teaches writing, writes novels, poems and non-fiction articles, and aspires to grow more than two tomatoes per summer in a measly backyard garden. You can read her short fiction 'Job Query' in the directory.

'Chocolate-Colored Eyes' - flash fiction by T. J. Forrester, a long distance hiker who has backpacked the trails that compose the Hiking Triple Crown.

Cicily Janus is a writer living in Colorado Springs with her family, rats and cats. From her oeuvre, we have the short fiction 'One' and an extract from her novel 'The Reluctance of the Ruling'.

Teri Davis Rouvelas lives in Rhode Island, which isn't really an island, with a bunch of animals and occasionally has contact with humans. Venture to her Hecale profile and indulge in her flash fiction 'Backgammon'.

MK Chavez writes about strippers, the beauty that can be found in ugliness, the mystery of feeling bad about feeling good, little birds, big consequences. Read two poems from her chapbook "Virgin Eyes" in the Words Directory and the previously unpublished 'Freedom at Heart'.

Hailing from New York and referred to as the 'Rimbaud of SoHo' by peers, Julian Stockdale swings aboard Hecale with 'Advent for Petrus'.

'A Late Bloom' - flash fiction from another New York son, though now resident of Maine, William de Rham.

Magazines & E-zines

SmokeLong Quarterly is dedicated to bringing the best flash fiction to the web on a quarterly basis, whether written by widely published authors, or those new to the craft. The term "smoke-long" comes from the Chinese, who noted that reading a piece of flash takes about the same length of time as smoking a cigarette. All the work we publish is precisely that—about a smoke long.

Chick Flicks, an ezine that fills a void in publishing. We're looking for well-written stories and essays that are moody, dark, real, gritty. Stories about internal conflict juxtaposed against external demands, about real life people coming to terms--good or bad--with themselves and their choices.

Chantarelle's Notebook - We accept all formats, but will only publish the best of what we receive. No greeting card styled verse, religious outpourings or infantile rants. Read our journal to see the styles of poems in which we are interested.

Flask and Pen accepts submissions for essays, stories, poetry, social comments. We are not looking to become a political forum, but if that’s what moves you, we would consider some political commentary.

63 Channels - We've made it our goal to showcase the newest art and writing, the hottest talent and the overlooked underground artists. As such, we prefer only original work is submitted to the site. So if it's all over the web already, hold onto it and send us something new. We probably wouldn't find out, but you're not doing yourself or our readers any favors. thanks....

The Centrifugal Eye - I look for strong imagery, metaphor and poems with a bias for introspection. This doesn't mean that all poems submitted should be written in 1st-person point-of-view, just that they be thoughtful and content rich. I want to see fresh subjects, layered meanings, sophisticated themes, juicy language. Any POV welcome. Rhyming & formal poems must be polished and natural -- free verse has a better chance for acceptance, unless your traditional lyric forms show great maturity of craft.

Locust Magazine is an electronic bazaar for all those who are instinctively adverse to:

Personal phlegm & heartburn
Appalling regionalism (both green and grey)
Political porridge
Social tweet! tweet!
Stammering experimentalism...BEAM! BIN!!
Street Poetry or Beggar's Poetry (i.e.: just putting an F-word here & there will help destroy vs change...or perhaps be more natural...)

Scarecrow continues to bang the drum for the unheard, the unconventional, the eccentric, the revolutionary and the radical and long may it continue. Scarecrow has also evolved into a showcase for published and unpublished writers of short fiction and poetry and receives submissions from all corners of the globe each week - some make its pages most don't. Scarecrow's Editor is particularly proud of its diverse and growing mix of style and attitude.

Quick Fiction is a literary journal featuring stories and narrative prose poems under 500 words. It was founded in 2001 by Adam Pieroni, Publisher, and Jennifer Pieroni, Editor in Chief. The journal is published twice per year, with issues appearing each spring and fall.

Mississippi Crow - We especially want material on writing and the writing life, but also like food & garden articles, outdoors, travel, leisure activities. SHORT STORIES can be on virtually any subject. We like unusual stories (even odd or quirky) with a twist at the end and we LOVE flash fiction. Surprise us! POETRY: We prefer free verse that is unique and fresh, alliteration is good, powerful and edgy is good - but if it's full of cliches, preachy and predictable we will be less interested.

The Savage Kick is a literary magazine, but it isn't Reader's Digest or any of the "we accept anything" online drivel you see knocking around. We only accept a few stories per issue, and the results are something distinctive... We wouldn't do it otherwise. We don't want half-assed stuff, we don't want musings or ruminations or anything that doesn't make the reader sit up and take notice. Misery, joy, psychosis, hope, isolation, disgust... If it's a brutally honest feeling or story that you feel you have to share, then it will normally translate into something we'll like.

Inkwell is dedicated to providing a forum for emerging writers and to publishing high quality poems and short stories in a literary journal that also features non-fiction, artwork, essays and interviews on writing by established figures, and yearly competitions in poetry and fiction.

Alors, et Toi? - We are an artistic journal. Our aim is to be a showcase for creative talent. We are particularly (though not exclusively) interested in the yet to be discovered-writer, artist, and music makers, who excel in what they do. We are not looking for the cookie-cut representations flooding the tabloids today. We'll consistently scout for new talent to feature in our magazine. Therefore, please do not send us unsolicited submissions. If you send us an email consisting of a link to your work, we'll gladly visit your site, blog or writers page to assess what you are about. If impressed, you’ll be contacted by a member of our staff personally, and asked for a contribution or interview.

Tuesday; An Art Project - I wanted to make a thing we could hold. I think that pages — poems — books — they are resting places for what we have to say. For what we see. It was a reaction to all of the (necessary and often fabulous) on-line work that is out there. Work should be enjoyed tactilely. Poems should be kept, when loved. Passed on. Sent out.

Image Gallery

Dreams of gold, space girls, Parisian laundromats and scary men with beards - New contributions to the gallery courtesy of Tara McPherson, Caitriona Penny, Hollace M. Metzger & Richard Lloyd Cederberg.

The Hearth

More blogs, more bands & message board to post events and publications.


Friday, 14 September 2007

Poetry Bites Back

Words Directory

Seven new additions since our last update and poets all. From London to New York, from the coasts of Scotland to mid-west USA, Hecale is proud to present in no particular order.. Gregory Vincent St. Thomasino, Suchoon Mo, Ryan Collins, Rachel Fox, Chistian Ward, Kyle Hemmings & Hannah Silva. So grab yourself your favourite tipple, kick back and have a read (and in some cases listen).

Magazines & E-zines

On the magazine front we'd like to draw attention to pretty new banners and listings for Spinning Jenny, ill-it-er-ate, Cause & Effect and Stop Sharpening Your Knives. Keeping all things in harmonious balance, four equally worthy electronic additions to mention in E-Ratio, Feathertale, Brink and Insolent Rudder. Just click the banners for a free pass to their sites.

Image Gallery

Yes, there's actually a few things hanging now and disguising the peeling paintwork in the background. Illustrations by Nina Smart, Ykha Almez, Maria de la Cruz, the Erics - Wallis & Osgood, a delightful painting by Jaymee Dever and sample photography from David Poole and Kaya.

Writing Resources

Farfalla Press - Brooklyn based poetry press with interesting titles well worth checking out. Seem to have plenty of events going on for those in the area.

Litscene - Database of sites of interest to writers, quite a few interesting sites to be found with some searching. One called Hecale looked particularly good.

The Hearth

Expect a few more band listings over the weekend but to tide you over in the meantime, try the blogs by authors Amy Guth and Zinta Aistars or check out Lola Nation's blog radio Write the Future.

Expect a return from now to regular Friday updates to kickstart your literary weekend. Take care all and stay safe - ish... depending on what you're doing.


Friday, 17 August 2007

Tales from the Hearth

Words Directory

It's been a busy week at Hecale. Individual author pages have been given a fresh crisper look and plenty of new faces added to the mix. You'll find poetry by Alan Britt, Doug Draime, Leslie Joseph, Paul Holman, Ananda Osel and the beginnings of a flash fiction fightback courtesy of Mike Hood, Karen Jones and Jamie Lin.

Magazines & E-zines

A couple of additions to mention this week.

NOÖ Journal - We are a free literary and political print/online journal distributed all over and based out of California. Our mission is to encourage mainstream readers to reconnect with literature and diverse critical thinking.

neo lampshadian outpost - i'll take poems, the really experimental stuff you can't quite classify, and, on the rarer occasions, extra-short fiction. your fiction should never exceed 450 words if you're sending it towards me, though. seriously.

SUB-LIT - We want inventive, exciting work. SUB-LIT's editors are frustrated by the lack of diversity in many mainstream literary journals, particularly those that seem afraid to publish writing that is daring in subject matter, form, or tone.

Zafusy - Started in 2004 and edited by Jody Porter, zafusy is an online space for contemporary poetry and visual art. Although based near London, zafusy has published the work of writers and artists from across the world.

Small Press Listings

Rural Messengers Press - Rural Messengers Press is/has been/can be/will dream/might say it, then change its mind about some of, then none of the following: DIY. writing. publishing. reading. pamphlets. leaflets. chapbooks. mail art. mistakes. the infinite number of possibilites that creates. zines. silly string. HAPPY HAPPY

General News

The Image Gallery is now open for submissions - illustration, painting & photography welcome & Hecale's forum (fully licensed & smoker friendly), accessed via the Hearth is operational for posting comments, news, ideas... whatever floats your boat. Pop by and pay a visit.

Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Kenneth Pobo

Words Directory

Biography - My favorite fun thing is my weekly radio show called "Obscure Oldies" on Saturdays at WDNR.com from 6-8pm EST. You can hear a rare Micky Dolenz single from 72 or a Jon & Robin unreleased track. I've been writing poetry since I was 15 and I'm now... well, whatever, 52 I guess. I garden like Bette Davis wiping Lesley Howard's kiss off her face in Of Human Bondage. Today I executed two dozen beetles. I am for capital punishment for beetles, not for people (though I can think of many politicians who test my belief).

D. Garcia-Wahl

Words Directory

Biography - D. Garcia-Wahl is the author of ALL THAT DOES COME OF MADDEN’D DAYS and ASHES OF MID AUTUMN. He is putting the finishing touches on three more novels, another collection of poetry, and a collection of short stories. He was recently interviewed for a new HBO documentary. He divides his time between America and Paris.

Karen Lillis

Words Directory

Biography - Karen Lillis is a writer and artist currently based in Pittsburgh after over a decade in New York City. Her books include the poetic novels “i, scorpion: foul-belly-crawler of the desert” (Words Like Kudzu Press, 2000), “The Second Elizabeth” (Six Gallery Press, late 2007), and the illustrated novella, “Magenta’s Adventures Underground: A Fable for the Police State” (Words Like Kudzu, 2004). She writes regularly for the anti-war and poetry newspaper, “New York Nights,” and she has read her work extensively to audiences in New York, across America, and in Paris.

Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal

Words Directory

Biography - Luis was born in Mexico. He now works and lives in Los Angeles County, CA. Raw Materials, his first poetry book was published by Pygmy Forest Press and Without Peace, his first chapbook was published by Kendra Steiner Editions. Read more of his poetry at Pemmican Press and in his Laura Hird showcase.

Rob Plath

Words Directory

Biography - my name is rob plath and i'm a 37 year-old poet from ny. i've published well over a 200 poems in 70 magazines and journals. i have one book called "ashtrays and bulls" (liquid paper press) and four forthcoming this year: "tapping ashes in the dark" (lummox press) , "sour milk for the soulless" (cat scan press), "my soul is a broken down valise" (pooka press), and "hooked to an iv bag filled with bile" (scintillating publications). i'm currently the poetry editor of jd finch's print magazine "the whirligig" and also editor of henry chalise's webzine called "neo lampshadian outpost." back in '95 -'97 i was tutored by allen ginsberg at brooklyn college and later in 2002, i performed on a spoken word/music cd with david amram.

Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Wayne Mason

Words Directory

Wayne Mason is a writer and factory worker from central Florida, when he grows up he wants to be Kannon. His work has been published throughout the small press and he is author of one chapbook 'Broken Zen'. His personal website is http://guerrillapoetics.com

Cherry Bleeds

Magazines & E-zines

Cherry Bleeds - Cherry Bleeds has published more than 100 authors over the last few years including, Charles Anders, Allen Grove, Joshua Samuel Brown, Karl Koweski, Mark Haskell Smith, C. C. Parker and Dan Fante. Publishes poetry and short stories. It's best to keep stories under 2500 words. Stories up to 5000 words are sometimes published though. Simultaneous and previously published work is OK. Please include a brief bio including where you live and read the other stories on our website before submitting

Juice online

Magazines & E-zines

Juice online - Juice is and has always been open to submissions from all writers, regardless of experience or reputation. Quality poetry of any form, theme, length, or philosophy is welcome. If it moves us, makes us laugh, or somehow surprises or impresses us, we'll use it. We're not too fond of poems that are written in "poetic language," and if it's rimed, it better be surprising and complementary to the sense of the poem. Since it's online and free, you should read what we've taken so far. Chances are if you don't like what you read here, we won't like what you write.

Zeitgeist Press

Small Press Listings

Zeitgeist Press - We encourage you to do everything humanly possible to get your poetry work into the world, readings, publishing, get up on pool tables in bars and recite. Zeitgeist is dedicated to locating and publishing great poetry that is consistent with its vision and aspirations for the world. We're still working to do justice to the existing Zeitgeist authors, and to keep their best works in print. It takes all our time and energy. Nonetheless, we do read manuscripts, only once a year, in August of each year. There are too many inquiries to allow us even to respond to inquiries or submissions beyond that.

We do have one additional requirement. Please buy and read at least one of our books prior to submitting or inquiring about your manuscript. This gives us a common frame of reference. Tell us what Zeitgeist book you read, and what you thought about it.

Tales of the Decongested


Tales Of The Decongested - Takes place at The Gallery Space, 2nd Floor, Foyles Bookshop, 113-119 Charing Cross Road, on the last Friday of every month. Entrance is £3, £2.50 concessions (tickets that include wine are a little more). We feature established writers from time to time (Ali Smith, Nicholas Royle, Stella Duffy among others), but our primary objective is to raise the profile of the short story and to discover exciting new talent in London. We all know it's there; it's high time it was heard.

Tales Of The Decongested is fuelled by your story submissions. If your story is selected, you will be asked to come along and read it (or get a friend to read it for you) at our next event, and it will be added to the story archive on this website

Monday, 30 July 2007

Miles J. Bell

Words Directory

Miles J. Bell is 36. His father was a boxer and his mother was a chihuahua. He can juggle but can't whistle, which he suspects is what has held him back all these years. He has appeared across the small press & released three chapbooks, with a fourth to follow this year, a split with Ed Churchouse entitled "Everyone knows this is nowhere". You should Google him (He's not the rodeo rider from Amarillo).

Mighty Erudite

Small Press Listings

Mighty Erudite - Our mission is to find those courageous and often unpublished writers who will not bow to commercial pressure; those who write what they write regardless of 'marketability'; those who will not fold under the weight of 'more of the same'. We aim to publish beautiful and collectable literature at lower costs so that the writer gets the bulk of the money from the sale of their work.

Casperian Books

Small Press Listings

Casperian Books - a single-member limited liability company that publishes fiction and operates out of a chaotic home office with some help from the other occupants of the house. Realistically, that means that my very silent co-conspirator acts as a second reader of shortlisted manuscripts and does some order fulfillment when I travel, and the perma-puppy warms our feet while we are reading.

Papertiger media

Small Press Listings

Papertiger media - publishers of the papertiger: new world poetry CDROM, hutt poetry ezine, anything i like art ezine, and the soi 3 modern poets imprint, papertiger media is unique in its vision and dedication to diversity, by publishing in three formats. Queensland-centric, but with an eye to the international, papertiger media now has an Asia office in Chiang Mai, Thailand, to complement the activities of its Brisbane headquarters. Winners of the Queensland Writers Centre's Johnno Award for its outstanding contribution to writers and writing in the state of Queensland, papertiger media has emerged as one of Queensland's most important and prolific cultural producers.

Mad Swirl

Magazines & E-zines

Mad Swirl - a platform, a showcase, a stage to place as many artists in this mad, mad world of ours. mad swirl is the collection of as many artists, writers, illustrators, photographers, psychos, and poets that we could gather. mad swirl is taking the many sides of art and showcasing it between a front and back cover, a www and a dot com and on stage at poetry/spoken word venues around Dallas. mad swirl is recognizing the madness of creation, the madness of life, the madness of art and trying to get the swirl of it all into as many heads as possible.

Sunday, 29 July 2007

Mathias Nelson

Words Directory

Mathias Nelson has been published both online and print in numerous magazines, some of which are Zygote In My Coffee, decomP, Madswirl, and Cherry Bleeds. He will be included in the "My Time" - Words & Images Created During, or Inspired By, the Lunch Break, print book anthology, due out September 03, 2007 through Poet Plant Press. He is the coolest motherfucker living, at least in La Crosse, Wisconsin.

F.D. Marcél

Words Directory

F.D. Marcél began as a staff correspondent for the Reading Eagle newspaper. His work has appeared in various publications, both online and in print, including Getgo Magazine, The Centrifugal Eye, Alighted E-Zine, Juked, Zygote In My Coffee, Cherry Bleeds, and Sub-Lit as well as upcoming work for Outsider Writers and decomP .. When not aimlessly wandering North America, he sleeps comfortably.

Friday, 27 July 2007

Louis E. Bourgeois

Words Directory

Louis E. Bourgeois was born in New Orleans, Louisiana and raised in the Slidell/LaCombe area, as well as East New Orleans on Bayou Sauvage. He has published translations, fiction, memoirs, poetry, and interviews in over two hundred magazine and journals in North America, Europe, and Asia. In 2004, he was the winner of the University of Milwaukee’s Cream City Review’s poetry contest for his poem “The Shed: The Daughter of Shadows Speaks from Max Beckmann’s The Dream (1921).” In 2006, his poetry was accepted for inclusion in Scrivener’s Best American Poetry 2007.

Michele McDannold

Words Directory

Michele has spent most of her life living in rural Illinois, surrounded by corn, river rats and rednecks. She likes corn. Her poetry has been published in various small press publications, most recently at Juice Online, Rattlesnake Review, Zygote in my Coffee and Literary Chaos. She is also the poetry editor for Lit Circus at the Guild of Outsider Writers.

David Six

Words Directory

My name is David Six. I am a prose writer and poet. I was born in Halifax, West Yorkshire and am currently living in London. I have spent much time living in various locations in France. I wear an unusual blue jacket and enjoy eating decorated cakes which I prefer to buy from fashionable high-street establishments.

The Cerebral Catalyst

Magazines & E-zines

The Cerebral Catalyst - publishes: Fiction, metafiction, flash fiction, hypertext fiction, non-fiction, poetry, verse poetry, prose poetry, comics, graphic novels, serialized regular novels, essays, amusing columns, photojournalistic essay columns, and unspecifically-categorized clever stringings-together of words and symbols.


Magazines & E-zines

Vox - We want work that stands out from the crowd. We seek experimental writing. We are particularly interested in prose poems and prose vignettes (no single piece of writing over a 1,000 words). We want lyricism and modernity. We also publish lined poetry, translations, and reviews of recently published volumes of poetry. We consider short plays. No rhymed poetry unless exceptional.


Magazines & E-zines

Litro - Original Fiction for the Underground. LITRO is a literary alternative to Metro (the free newspaper) and is distributed for free every other Friday near to London Underground stations and elsewhere around the world. This website allows you to read, print and share your thoughts on the latest edition, sign up to eLITRO alerts, find out more about the writers and the publication, and to get in touch with me. Enjoy!

Monday, 23 July 2007

Zachary Bush

Words Directory

Zachary C. Bush, 23, is a writer of poetry and prose. He lives in Statesboro, Georgia. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in a variety of small press journals and e-zines including GHOTI Magazine, Poetry Super Highway, The CommonLine Project, The Noneuclidean Cafe, The (P)oet (P)lant (P)ress: LUNCH Anthology, R.KV.R.Y, Zygote in my Coffee, Thieves Jargon, Underground Voices, and Chronogram, among others. He is the author of two forthcoming chapbooks of poetry through Scintillating Publications and Pudding House Publications.


Writing Communities

LitPark - a literary playground for writers, artists, and anyone who feels at home here. My hope is that the topics and the community here will offer inspiration, support, a place to vent and gain helpful tips about the business. Every Monday will be a Question of the Week, every Wednesday an Interview, and every Friday my Weekly Wrap.

Hidden River


Hidden River - Among the services and supports offered are Artists' Residency opportunities, Internships, Writers' Workshops, Readings, Educational Outreach Programs, Writing Competitions, and Performances. Hidden River Arts also publishes a yearly anthology, the Hidden River Awards Anthology. Our inaugural issue includes a selection of the winners from InterAct Theater's award-winning "Writing Aloud" program as well as the winning work from our First Annual William Van Wert Fiction and Hidden River Arts Playwrighting Awards Competition.

Liars' League


Liars' League - a London-based writers' and actors' group. We put on a short story reading night at 7pm on the SECOND Tuesday of each month. Anyone can come and it's still only £2 entry!

Silenced Press

Magazines & E-zines

Silenced Press - an independent publisher and an online literary journal based out of Columbus, Ohio. We are dedicated to giving a voice to artists that must be heard. We exist to support Ohio and to support art.

Saturday, 21 July 2007

The Apple Valley Review

Magazines & E-zines

The Apple Valley Review - an online literary journal. It is published twice each year, once in Spring and once in Fall. Each issue features a collection of beautifully crafted poetry, short fiction, and essays.

Stevie Gray

Words Directory

She's been writing since she was old enough to hold a pen and doesn't appear to be about to stop any time soon. If, for whatever reasons, she couldn't write, she'd probably become a serial killer. Her work comprises tales of bleak dystopian futures, political diatribes, neo-pulp fiction and lots of poems, many of them about rain. Most of her writing is done when she really ought to be asleep. It probably shows. She knows how to hold a grudge, and her role-model in all things is R.P. McMurphy.

Friday, 20 July 2007

Poetry Circle

Writing Communities

Poetry Circle - We want the Poetry Circle to be interactive, and thus the site's technological foundation is that of a message board, where members may comment upon poems, converse with the poets, and contribute ideas and work of their own. Beyond that, however, the concept of editorial oversight from the paper world is retained but applied here with a twist. We will make it easy to find work that we consider especially meritorious by having the roving editors of the site cull what they feel to be the best poems from the "submissions" board and move them into the "editors' picks" board. As we will ultimately have quite a few well-qualified editors from varied backgrounds and with wide-ranging tastes, readers will be able to enjoy a site that that offers both quality and diversity.

The Guild of Outsider Writers

Writing Communities

The Guild of Outsider Writers - Our Goal: Unite the write! We will join forces where we are strong, eliminate duplication of effort where we are weak and put the power and authority over literature back into the hands of the only legitimate owners: the authors and the readers.

Felino Soriano

Words Directory

Felino Soriano, from California, currently studying philosophy, is employed as a behavioral assistant. Through his occupation he is able to counsel, create goals with, care for, and learn from developmentally disabled adults. His poetry appears or is forthcoming in Black Mail Press, La Fenêtre, Rogue Poetry Review, Blaze VOX, Ken*Again, Ann Arbor Review & Blue Fifth Review, among others.

Thursday, 19 July 2007


Magazines & E-zines

Pequin - a writerly website keen about posting tightly typed texts and like photography by a variety of authors and artists from all over. Pequin prefers prose to poetry, fiction and non-fiction, narratives, supershort stories, dream logs, love letters, plays, excerpts, recollections, and the like. We tend to reply to submissions fairly quickly, often in the middle of the night. Text submissions fewer than 1,000 words are acceptable, closer to 1,000 are better, and exactly 1,000 are best.


Magazines & E-zines

Contrary - We favor fiction that is contrary in any number of ways, but typically our contrary fiction defies traditional story form. A story may, for example, bring us to closure without ever delivering an ending. And we hope for fiction as poetic as any poem. Poetry – We look for plurality of meaning, for dual reverberation on the planes of beauty and concern. Poetry is contrary by nature, always defying, always tonguing the tang of novelty. Contrary’s poetry in particular often behaves like fiction or commentary. We find ourselves enamored of prose poems because they are naturally ambiguous about their categorization – they tug overtly on the forces of narrative – but prose poems remain the minority of the all poetic forms we publish.

Letter I never sent

Writing Communities

Letter I never sent - … Know all too well the unsettling sentiment that sinks your hope of keeping anything. It arrives suddenly. When you are unable picture her face as she’s walking away. From you.

… Trust in your car for great escapes. You may drive miles and days toward unfamiliar roads, convincing yourself to be lost. You are lost. You wonder as strangers ride behind glass windshields:

Are there really so many other cars--other people--who know exactly where they are going?

… Don’t like the act of carrying an umbrella. Maybe you need to feel rain-to-skin, even if you show up to work looking like a drowned rat. You much prefer feelings to looks.

… Have asked someone you admire, “Are we really designed to lose?”
Answer: Sad stare and Silence.

… Write letters you will never send…

Writers Cafe

Writing Communities

Writers Cafe - a new, online community for writers. Post your stories, poetry, articles, and books. Connect with and befriend other authors. Create your own writing group. Read and review others work. Improve your writing.

Rattling Books

Small Press Listings

Rattling Books - a Newfoundland-based Canadian audio publisher of unabridged fine Canadian fiction and poetry, historical outdoor-adventure based non-fiction and works for children.

Wednesday, 18 July 2007

Shaindel Beers

Words Directory

Shaindel Beers’ poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies, including Poetry Miscellany, Minnesota Review, and The New Verse News. She is currently a professor of English at Blue Mountain Community College in Pendleton, Oregon, in Eastern Oregon’s high desert and also serves as Poetry Editor of Contrary, www.contrarymagazine.com, and as a Poetry Reviewer for www.bookslut.com.

Aleathia Drehmer

Words Directory

Aleathia was born in the 70's to set of wanderlust parents. She has an odd sense of humor and likes to be observant. Writing started as a portal to another dimension when she was 10 years old....she is still floating in space. Her work has been published in Zygote in My Coffee, Laura Hird, The Cerebral Catalyst, Haggard & Halloo, Juice, Outsider Writers, Word Riot, Silenced Press, and Flutter. She has upcoming work in Rural Messengers Press, Cherry Bleeds, Poet Plant Press, and Mystery Island.

A collection of her work can be visualized at www.myabdication.blogspot.com.



Urbis - a creative community with three types of users: creative people, those who love and support creative people, and those who have opportunities for creative people. It's very creative.


Magazines & E-zines

STORYGLOSSIA - an online literary journal focusing on short stories. Submissions of Short stories in the broadly defined category of literary fiction—from realism to "experimental," from flash to novel excerpts—all are welcome. 7,500 word maximum, but 2,500-5,000 preferred. No poetry or memoirs. Named best online publication by Million Writers Award.

The Smoking Poet

Magazines & E-zines

The Smoking Poet - we publish flash fiction, up to 1,000 words, that ignite our imagination, inflame our passion, leave us with a smoky aftertaste. We’ll also consider the occasional novel excerpt as well as non-fiction. Submit to us your finest flash pieces; we are open to all genres, within good taste. All we ask is that you submit your best work — polished to the highest level of your ability, and that you leave yourself open to, at worst, rejection, at best, constructive criticism.

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Melissa Hansen

Words Directory

Melissa Hansen lives in San Francisco where she writes stories and poetry that enjoy lying in swollen notebooks while hiding in dark drawers. Her poetry has previously been published by Leaf Press and Silenced Press. She is a civil servant in debt bondage, studies Library Information Technology, and lies around imagining things.

Mad Hatters’ Review

Magazines & E-zines

Mad Hatters’ Review - a tri-annual online multimedia magazine staffed solely by mad hatters, welcomes writings that address psychosocial issues, the pollution of minds, hearts, bodies and nature. We also welcome purely aesthetic pieces, packed with surprising images and whimsical wordplays. The name of our tri-annual reflects our view of the world as essentially demented and nonsensical, too frequently a nightmare or “non-dream” that needs to be exposed to the light for what it is, as well as what it is not. However, we, as artists, can also see another side of this world by voyaging into our own unique terrifying and joyful wonderlands and sharing our visions with others.

Debris Magazine

Magazines & E-zines

Debris - an online literary/art magazine that publishes quarterly and showcases outstanding literature, art, photography and anything else someone has the creativity to come up with. Debris is the antithesis of stuffy literature journals and pretentious art magazines. It’s a magazine where everyone has a voice, not just those well versed in literature, art history and design.


Magazines & E-zines

BUST DOWN THE DOOR AND EAT ALL THE CHICKENS - a popular vacation spot for stories who have never felt like they fit it, stories that want to take time off from their 9 to 5 work week of searching for the meaning in the universe, stories that take a moment out of their nightly television programming to see what has always been there but doesn’t show itself until someone changes the channel. They thought they were getting a discount on airfare, but they only paid for a one-way ticket. These stories are doomed to spend the rest of their lives between the covers of THE JOURNAL OF ABSURD AND SURREAL FICTION.

Monday, 16 July 2007

Misti Rainwater-Lites

Words Directory

Misti Rainwater-Lites writes a lot of poems, some of which have appeared online and in print in zines such as St. Vitus Press, Zen Baby, Zygote in my Coffee, The Cerebral Catalyst and Words Dance. She lives in Albuquerque with her husband.

Milner Place

Words Directory

A well published writer in UK magazines, Milner has had eight poetry collections published thus far - seven in the UK & one in Spain (in Spanish) - and is currently working on a further three collections. Experienced in performance, especially in collaboration with musicians, he has appeared on TV in BBC 1's Bookmark, as well as doing several radio pieces for BBC 3 & 4. He is also editor for the Poetry Circle.

Tuesday, 10 July 2007



Artsphere, the National UK Arts Directory designed to help you find the Creative Arts businesses and individuals you need. You could search for artists, dancers, performers, writers and musicians, or look for businesses and individuals who specialize in more than one art form.


Magazines & E-zines

WASTENOTES is an ever expanding collection of short stories and poetry. It was conceived a while back by a human in an attempt to encourage his friends to write.

Please contact us with your stories, poetry, or art (monochrome only please) at www.myspace.com/wastenotes.

Sein und Werden

Magazines & E-zines

Sein und Werden is a quarterly collection of multidisciplinary artwork that incorporates elements of Expressionism, Existentialism and Surrealism, both online and in print. The goal of 'Sein und Werden' is to present works that evoke the spirit of the Expressionist, Existentialist and Surrealist movements within a modern context, which I like to call 'Werdenism'.

Pedestal Magazine

Magazines & E-zines

Pedestal Magazine are receptive to high-quality literary fiction of all sorts, including traditional and experimental works. Genre fiction (such as science fiction, horror, mystery, and romance) is encouraged as long as it crosses or comments upon its genre and is both character-driven and psychologically acute. We are also interested in works that do not readily fall into one specific category.

Beloit Poetry Journal

Magazines & E-zines

The BPJ prefers no particular forms, lengths, or subjects. We are always watching for new poets, fresh insights, quickened language. The Chad Walsh Poetry Prize ($3000 in 2005) is awarded to the author of the poem or group of poems that the editors judge to be the most outstanding among those we've published during the previous year. We read year-round, do not charge reading fees of any kind, and are conscientious about responding to manuscripts promptly. In return, we ask that you honor our policy of not reading simultaneous submissions. We do not accept electronic submissions.

Sunday, 8 July 2007

New Listings

Magazines & E-zines

Barfing Frog Press - where the absurd meets the unthinkable. Hyperfiction, fiction, non-fiction, poetry & essays. Published Quarterly. Next reading period August 1st-31st.

Demolition - We want this magazine to be the battleground where literary fiction and pulp fiction fight to the death. Scare yourself, then scare someone else. Then send it to us.

Gold Dust - We founded Gold Dust because we wanted to offer readers the opportunity to discover work often overlooked from talented, up-and-coming writers, as well as providing a showcase for more experienced writers. Our literary articles and interviews will be of interest to readers and writers alike. Closing date for £30 Prize Short Story Competition 15th July 2007.

Literary Fever - A new transgressive magazine that seeks to bring writers and artists together to interpret and collaborate their forward-thinking works. In a conflict-driven world, Fever is meant to represent a burning passion for expression, and its mission is to keep the arts alive and thriving.

Opium Magazine - A literary humor publication that packs its pages with a rich and varied selection of short fiction, super-short fiction, poetry, cartoons, odd games, and quirky art. Opium likes strange, surprising literature with a humorous edge, but wisely steers clear of rants, riffs, and goofy mental twaddles.

Shots - The Crime & Thriller Ezine. We are not afraid to champion the underdog. We support and promote the smaller, independent publishers and presses. We are not an academic publication, a gang of enthusiastic crime & mystery lovers is a better description.


Farrago Poetry - A spoken word and performance poetry organisation based in London. We run a range of different events, from Spanish language poetry nights to events for elders, but we are best known for pioneering slam poetry in the UK and for our links to the International performance poetry scene.


Ralan.com - Markets and extensive listings of interest to writers: contests, articles, guides, publishers and much more. Multiple award-winning site run by author Ralan Conley.


Whim's Place - Quarterly Flash Fiction Contest at Whim's Place. Launched in 2001, Whim's is the brainchild of Betsy Gallup, a published author and working editor with an extensive background in accounting. Whim's Place aims to provide an eclectic mix of writing resources and reading pleasures, while simultaneously promoting and supporting the growth of established and emerging writers.

Saturday, 7 July 2007

New Listings

Small Press Listings

Flame Books - We aim to publish the most exciting contemporary English-language fiction by the best new authors as well as exploring other genres of work. So what makes us different? Well, we not only offer fair contracts and royalties to authors but also support numerous worthwhile charitable projects. Every Flame book sold means that we are more able, in turn, to provide financial and other support to creative projects, and we hope to create more of our own Flame projects in the future!


Metaroar - Articles, Interviews, News, Reviews and more. Metaroar has operated one of the most informative mailing lists for poetry, live literature and spoken word for the past 7 years. ‘Nuff said.

Magazines & E-zines

42opus - An online magazine of the literary arts. Although archived in quarterly issues, new writing is added online every few days. Work first published in 42opus has been reprinted in Best New Poets and honored by the Million Writers Award for Fiction. We strive to publish writing that moves and delights our minds and our hearts on a clean, pretty website.

Friday, 6 July 2007

Writing Resources


Sky-Tribe - Into Sci-Fi & Fantasy? Join a Community of successful writers dedicated to promoting and publishing the genre you love. Join Sky-Tribe. Upload your writing in minutes, receive peer feedback from other writers, authors, then get your work published out there in the real world. Sign up for FREE.

Small Press Listings

Fiction Collective Two - An author-run, not-for-profit publisher of artistically adventurous, non-traditional fiction. Whilst no longer accepting open submissions. if you are interested in being published by FC2, we invite you to enter our contest for the Ronald Sukenick Innovative Fiction Prize, open to any writer of English who is a citizen of the United States and who has not previously published with Fiction Collective Two. Submission dates August 15 - November 1.

Sarabande Books - Founded in 1994 as an alternative to mainstream publishing, Sarabande Books strives to provide talented authors with a final product and visibility, in short, a real "home" for their work. We hold two national contests: The Kathryn A. Morton Prize in Poetry and the Mary McCarthy Prize in Short Fiction, judged by well-established writers.

New Publication Listings

Magazines & E-zines

The Bathyspheric Review - An electronic journal devoted to oceanic themes and imagery. Accepts poetry submissions of previously unpublished work in English. High-quality fiction, artwork and photographs are also considered. Simultaneous submissions acceptable. Published twice a year - April 1st and October 1st. Deadlines fall two weeks before each issue’s date of publication.

Haiku Haven - Our concept for Haiku Haven is a place for everyone to express their emotions through their writing skills. We welcome established writers and encourage new writers to join us!

Skyline Magazine - Open to new and established writers. Skyline does not pay for stories, features, articles, interviews, art or poetry but provides a well traveled pathway upon which authors and artists may display their work to thousands of readers on the Internet and in print magazines. Summer Poetry Contest still open for submissions - Free Entry - Deadline July 10th.

The Orange Room Review - Accessible poetry of substance. We will consider all forms; however, we prefer short poems written in free verse. We do not want to receive the following genres: fantasy, horror, pornography, religious or science fiction. In addition, do not send us anything that promotes homophobia, racism or sexism. In other words, nothing hateful. All rights revert to the author upon publicaton. No simultaneous submissions or previously published poems (unless by invitation).

Thursday, 5 July 2007

New Writer Listings

Poetry (and audio recordings) by Bette O'Callaghan and Larissa Shmailo added to our Words Directory.