Friday, 6 July 2007

Writing Resources


Sky-Tribe - Into Sci-Fi & Fantasy? Join a Community of successful writers dedicated to promoting and publishing the genre you love. Join Sky-Tribe. Upload your writing in minutes, receive peer feedback from other writers, authors, then get your work published out there in the real world. Sign up for FREE.

Small Press Listings

Fiction Collective Two - An author-run, not-for-profit publisher of artistically adventurous, non-traditional fiction. Whilst no longer accepting open submissions. if you are interested in being published by FC2, we invite you to enter our contest for the Ronald Sukenick Innovative Fiction Prize, open to any writer of English who is a citizen of the United States and who has not previously published with Fiction Collective Two. Submission dates August 15 - November 1.

Sarabande Books - Founded in 1994 as an alternative to mainstream publishing, Sarabande Books strives to provide talented authors with a final product and visibility, in short, a real "home" for their work. We hold two national contests: The Kathryn A. Morton Prize in Poetry and the Mary McCarthy Prize in Short Fiction, judged by well-established writers.

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